Tuesday, April 19, 2011

im stuck again...

For the past ten days my weight has been bouncing around between 126 and 129. Now I know what some of you are thinking (at least whats going through Ashlee my trainers head)... What Ashlee would tell me is to quit weighing myself so often. Its not so much the bouncing up and down thats bugging me because I know now that it is normal for body weight to slightly fluctuate, the thing that is annoying me is that my weight is not coming off the way I want it to. The thing is, I know why. It is because of my diet. When I finally broke the 130 lb mark it was because I was being extremely careful with my diet. I was eating exactly what I needed to be eating, at the right times, in the right portions. I was eating lots of fruits and vegetables and making sure I was drinking lots and lots of water throughout the day. For the past 10 days I've been eating like crap and have been eating out WAY too much, for example, over the past week and a half I have had:

  • Chipotle 
  • Maggianos 
  • Penn station
  • Chick Fil A
  • Jimmy Johns
  • Sobe, Gatorade, lemonade and even Starbucks.
Now that I see this list I am almost disgusted. 

Another problem: I am starting to see a trend in my eating habits. Ill eat really well for two weeks and lose some weight and then I go on an eating spree. Maybe its time to meet with my dietitian again. I need to learn to eat bad food in moderation. Eating out is okay every now and then, but not five times in ten days...


As my personal trainer I need you to yell at me when you see me today. I need a kick in the a**. Do not be nice to me, ask me what the heck I am doing and tell me that I need to get back on track.




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