Saturday, January 15, 2011

Goals and Motivation – take 4.6 minutes and just do this.

A topic of discussion that came up in one of my psychology courses was goal setting. I can’t recall specifics however the conclusion reached was the following: writing down goals increases your chances of reaching them by A LOT. Apparently studies have shown that when you write down your goals, your brain sees them as being more important, makes them more of a priority which in turn, increases your commitment to them. Everybody has a goal but the truth is only a small fraction of people will ever actually attain them. This is because most people do not create specific goals nor do they come up with a game plan of how they are going to get what they want.

One of the first things that my personal trainer Ashlee had me do was fill out “my personal action plan”. Here it is… (I suggest you copy and paste the following and replace my answers with your own) 

My top 3 goals are: 

1. I am going to reduce my body fat enough so that my cellulite is less noticeable, my tummy is flat, tight & sexy,  I am going to gain strength (so I can actually live up to my last name) and be a healthier individual. My starting weight on January 4th was 145 lbs. My goal by the end of this journey is to be around 120 lbs. Starting % body fat = 32, I am going to be around 20-24%. Current BMI = 25.7, I am going to be somewhere around 21.  

Achievement date: June 3rd. I am going to get rid of approximately 1.5 lbs per week (specific). Approx 12-15 lbs by March 3rd.  Lose an additional 13-15 lbs by June 3rd.   

I’m going to reach the goal by taking the following steps: Do everything my personal trainer Ashlee and my dietitian tell me. I am going to do some type of cardio workout every day (Ashlee said I can take Sundays off if I would like). I am going to do tri-weekly full body workouts (weights). I am NOT going to be lazy, make exceptions or quit. Quitters don’t win. We (you and I) are winners.      

2. I am going to positively influence those around me to follow my footsteps and encourage others to make healthier lifestyle changes. Specifically I am going to help my younger sister to start exercising and to modify her diet.   

Achievement date: Every day. 

I’m going to reach the goal by taking the following steps:  I am going to blog my little heart out in hopes that people will be encouraged to do what I am doing. I am going to share tips / tricks / & ideas to help you attain your fitness goals. I am going to work out with other people and teach them everything I know / am learning.

3. Be more confident, comfortable and less self conscious about the way I look. Over the past few weeks I have come to realize that I care and worry incredibly too much about what people think about me.  

Achievement date: June 3rd

I’m going to reach the goal by taking the following steps: Discussing this openly with people. Determine why I have this problem. Determine what I can do to improve / stop this. Become more accepting and less judgmental of myself. 

I am making the following commitment to myself… (I promise myself that I will…)
Dedicate myself to this journey, do my very best, and work as hard as I can. 

These are some small steps that I’ve already taken towards my goal:
I wrote down my goal and developed an action plan. I have started working out; I have detailed workout plans and a workout schedule. I have started to make small changes in my daily routines such as taking the stairs instead of the elevator. Although I have not yet met with my dietitian, I have started to watch more closely what I eat and am trying to cut out a lot of processed foods. I have switched from white chocolate mochas to passion fruit tea at Starbucks and am opting for no cheese and light mayo / dressings on my food.     
(You could write: I am following Kirsty’s blog very closely and doing everything that she tells me to do)

I want to reach these goals because…
Okay this last question on my personal action plan I am answering a little differently. The answers to this question are my motivators. Reminding myself on a regular basis of why I want to reach my above goals will be key to me working my hardest over the next 6 months.   

I am finding it extremely beneficial during the last few reps of an exercise (when I am truly feeling as if my muscles are going to stop working all together) to start envisioning my motivators. My go to motivator that I focus on when I am in the danger zone of quitting is #6 (see below).  

I highly encourage you (that means do it) to make your own list of all the reasons you want to lose weight and be healthier… I suggest keeping it in a place that you will see it often. I think I am going to make a poster and stick it on my ceiling above my bed so I will see it every morning when I wake up.   

Here is a sample of mine in no particular order:

1. I want to look good great naked.
2. I want to look in the mirror and be like “heck yeah that is your body and you look gooood.”
3. I want to like and feel comfortable with the way I look.
4. I want to make my ex boyfriend jealous.
5. I want to feel comfortable wearing a bikini in front of people.  
6. That boy in my classes I am crushing big time on………
7. I want other people to reach their fitness goals, especially my sister.
8. I want to go to a water park. (No I have never been to one before, see number 5)
9. Want to one day (maybe) have healthy children and be an active healthy role model for them.
10. I want to have friends over during the summer for pool parties & grilling out (don’t do this because of number 5)  
11. Ill be able to justify buying a new closet full of clothes
12. Ill be able to fit into all the clothes I’ve bought in the past that didn’t fit but I liked and told myself I would lose weight to fit into.
13. I want to have great bow chicka wow wow. You know what I’m talking about.
14. I want to post a hot bikini body video to my blog   
15. Ill be able to wear my best friends clothes
16. I want to feel comfortable wearing shorts!! and skirts!! And cute summer dresses!!
17. A boy (hopefully boy in #6) will be able to sweep me off my feet without breaking his back
18. I want to be healthier, live a long life, and not have to take 20 different medications each day when I’m older like some of the people that come to my pharmacy. (im not exaggerating when I say 20)

Note: yes okay, I realize that not all of the following motivators are necessarily…..what’s the word I’m looking for? …. hmm… some are slightly materialistic (#11)... some are to impress others (I guess people would argue that I should JUST be doing this for myself -not #4-) but at the end of the day they motivate me and get the job done. The way I see it, if they can help you go the extra mile: one extra lunge, one extra push up, one less soda, then add them to your list. 

Check back later tonight to learn how and why to keep a food diary and to read my blog about Thursday’s crazy workout with Ashlee (I was pretty much reciting the above list over and over in my head the whole time).  

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