Saturday, January 15, 2011

Puke Break

Okay, so not the most appropriately labeled title but it got your attention didn’t it. I had to take one halfway through my training session with Ashlee on Thursday. I had just finished, I think Ashlee called it a Pilates move, when it hit me, this horrible urge to vomit. So there I was speed walking through the Rec, not as an exercise but in an effort to get my head into a toilet ASAP. I think Ashlee may have been a little annoyed but I really could not help it. I’ve heard in the past of athletes throwing up after intense workouts and although I’ve been having some pretty intense workouts they haven’t been thattttt intense, nothing that I couldn’t handle. Today while working out with my friend Megan it happened again… The wave of nausea mid workout… I am not going to be a happy camper if this continues... Any ideas?  

On another note, I did set a new personal record on Thursday. Unfortunately no it wasn’t the type of record you are thinking. I managed to unlock my twisty lock on my locker the very first try. My very first attempt at getting into my locker (about two weeks ago) actually turned into about 35 attempts that took AT LEAST ten minutes. Not exaggerating. Yes I felt like an idiot. There are no directions on the back of those things. That goes to show you how many times I’ve opened a gym locker in the past…


  1. At least you know you are getting a good workout! Hope it is getting better. Puke breaks are no fun! Keep up the good work! We are all rooting for you.

  2. Keep track of what you are eating before your workouts that result in "puke breaks." (You can compare your pukey workouts with your food journal!) Different foods affect different people differently. Also, try eating earlier so that you have more time to digest. That way, the food isn't sitting on your stomach and bouncing around while you are working out.

  3. It's important to keep track of what you're eating and when before you work out. Most nutritionist will tell you not to eat less than 1/2 to an hour before your workout. But it's still really important to eat before you workout!! Sometimes this means waking up extra-early. Also, as you become more accustomed to your body, you'll start to learn what really works for you, food wise. What normally worked best for me was an apple and a granola bar about an hour/hour-and-a-half before races. Good luck!

  4. I just now saw all of these comments!! Thanks for the suggestions!! I am definitely going to start paying more attention to the food I am eating before my workouts and the timing too! There have been some mornings where i've had a lot to eat and others where ive had nothing at all before workouts... I will hopefully be meeting with my nutritionist for the first time next week so I will let you guys know what she says! Ashlee my trainer had a good thought too. She made the point that I seem to get nauseous after certain exercises so she was thinking that it could be motion sickness . (I thought you could only get that from driving and boats haha) I am going to try taking Dramamine or something before my next workout with her...
