Sooooooooooo. Ashlee put me through a great workout this morning!! At 7:30am I might add! There is NO way I would have got up that early to workout a month ago!!!! Even though I hate (HATE) waking up early, I do have to say that starting my day off with a workout has some great repercussions. I have more energy throughout the day, I feel like I concentrate in class more, and i'm just generally in a better mood.
I met my dietitian for the first time this evening!! I learned so much from her. I walked away with a whole new perspective on dieting and I guess eating in general... I now feel as if a course in dietetics should be required for all high school / college kids from now on. I need a minute to gather my thoughts but hopefully tomorrow ill have a blog up about everything she had to tell me!
I met with a nutritionist a few years ago and she had some really simple rules, such as "the shorter the ingrediant list, the better!" and "make sure when you look at your plate, about half of it is veggies, a quarter is protein, and a quarter good carbs, i.e. whole grains." Simple rules like that are way easier for me to stick to then eliminating specific foods/food groups. I'm excited to hear what your dietitian had to say!