Friday, March 11, 2011

I had a good day today! March has definitely been a good month so far; much better than last month for sure. I have a special little event taking place on the 30th and I have this little black dress that I am determined to look good in... Lets see what can be done in 19 days. 

*click the pic, it will get big*

This is straight from the app that i've been using to keep track of my food. I'm sure its not 100 % accurate but its a good estimate. I also had some mixed vegetables with dinner which I forgot to add... Based on the above totals, I didn't eat enough carbohydrates today, goal is 300-400g. Fat was a little bit low too, goal of 50-60g. Too much protein today, goal is 46 - 50g. Cholesterol, sodium and fiber all good.


Also did some abs & butt and thigh exercisesss...

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