Monday, January 24, 2011

173 LBS!! <--- Thats what I used to weigh

I did some research today in an attempt to find out exactly how much I weighed at the heaviest point in my life... I called my doctors office and gave them the task of looking through my files to answer this for me. A few minutes ago one of the nurses called me back with a list of numbers. The earliest the nurse could look back to was May of 2009 at which point I weighed 173 lbs. I'm a bit disappointed that they did not have anything from before May of '09 as I am pretty confident that I weighed a little more than this at some point. October of 2009 I was at 160 lbs and then April of 2010 I was at 145. From April 2010 until I started this journey (over a period of 8 months), no matter how hard I tried, no matter what diet I went on or what pill I shoved down my throat, I was unsuccessful at breaking the 145 lb marker. At my very first weigh in with Ashlee the scale read 145 lbs... This morning, it read 137 lbs. I cannot tell you how awesome the feeling is to see those numbers flash up on the little screen. I can't even remember the last time I saw that. I hopped off and back onto the scale about ten times this morning just to make sure it was telling me the truth. I am absolutely amazed that I have accomplished in 3 weeks what I struggled and failed to do in 8 months. My motivation is coming back. At least for the time being...


  1. Congrats on the early success. Keep up the great work.

  2. I initially thought I saw 731 lbs, I would have awarded you a Nobel prize immediately...
