Tuesday, February 22, 2011


I’m calling out to my followers for some help. I need some more of the great advice you have been providing me with over the past month and a half. My problem isn’t that I’ve totally fallen off track but I have lost the intensity I began this journey with. It seems like the day I hit my one month mark I started to slack. I have been working out but for instance, instead of doing cardio for 30-60 minutes, 5-6 days of the week, I have only been doing 20-30 minute cardio workouts, only a couple of times a week… Also, as far as my eating goes, I’ve been a lot less strict about what / how much I eat and have even been eating things like cookies, which I didn’t have any desire for during my first month. I haven’t been keeping track of my daily nutrient/calorie intake which I said I was going to start doing again. It’s not like this is an extremely difficult thing for me to do as I have that app on my phone that I keep talking about. I need to start keeping track of my food again because it made me much more aware of exactly what I was eating and forced me to make better meal choices. When I don’t use my handy dandy app it is VERY easy for me to forget what I ate throughout the day and even easier for me to kind of pretend that I didn’t just eat something really bad. I haven’t been stuffing my face with junk food but I am definitely not on the same level of “good” eating that I was on last month.

I am really happy with the progress and changes I have made since the beginning of the year but I am nowhere near where I want to be yet. Slacking now is definitely not going to get me there! I’m hoping that writing this all down and addressing the problem at hand now will help me move forward with more intensity. I mean there really is nothing holding me back but myself. I think I need to take some time to look over my list of motivators, attempt to watch my bikini video, and really try to get focused on my goals again.
So here is my plan of action:
I just decided that I am going to post to my blog each day, everything I eat over the next 7 days.
I think it would be a good idea to do this for my workouts too. So for the next 7 days I will also post detailed info about my workouts.
I am going to watch my ENTIRE bikini video TONIGHT, when I get home from school.
I am going to start posting pictures of my bod at least once a week from now on so that I can be motivated by my embarrassment again. I guess six months from now it will be cool to look back and see the gradual changes in my body over time.
ANYWAYYY. I would really appreciate any suggestions  or comments or anythinggg; I really couldn’t be doing this without all of you!
Oh, and on a totally different note, I only have THREE more training sessions with Ashlee left and I am freaking out!! I don’t think I am ready to do this on my own yet!!   


  1. Kirsty,
    You can do this!This is a defining moment when you can decide how bad you want this and how hard you are willing to work for it. Think of the girl in that bikini video...you are not her anymore. You have grown by facing your fears but you are right. Only YOU can defeat you and for some reason, you are allowing this to happen. You deserve to get what you want. You are worth it! You are worth every drop of sweat, every sore muscle, and every 5:30am wake up call! You are worth all of that hard work and dedication and if you see it through, you will NEVER let yourself down again. You can do this. Just stay focused and realize that you can and will be happy and you deserve to feel that way. Don't allow anything, especially your own self-doubt and negative talk to hold you back. That's what the "old Kirsty" would have done. You are different now, stronger, capable and more determined. You are better than that. You are the NEW KIRSTY!!!

  2. I am starting the Paleo diet and start running more regulary next week and I have the same concerns. It is easy to do good for a week or two, but to make it longterm is tough. I am a 35 year old male, father of 2 kids, but I am 5'6" and have slowly kept growing in my waist. I was a 28-30 inch waist when I was at UC, and I am now up to a 36 inch waist. I just broke 200 pounds for the first time ever in my life, and it sucks. I can tell you, as you get older, the weight is even harder to get off, especially if you have kids and you are running from one event to another. You need to make the decision to make this a lifetime commitment to eat healthy, not just for 1-3 months for a contest you won at UC to blog about. You can do it girl. Look at it this way. I check your blog every day for updates. No matter how big or small the updates, I read it as motivation. Your blog is one of the motivations to get me going. I thought about doing a blog too, just to make it public record, even if it is anonymous. You can do it girl! One day at a time! And more videos, your accent is cute. :)


  3. Kirsty,

    I know you can do this! Just stay motivated and everything will work out! Keep up the hard work girl. We know it's not easy!

  4. I can’t thank you guys enough for your support and words of encouragement. I know I’ve said this several times but I really couldn’t be doing this without you all. My trainer and dietitian have taught me so much but without all of you holding me accountable there is no way I would be putting all I’ve learned to use, especially on a regular basis. Knowing that there are hundreds of people viewing my blog has been great motivation but Steve, the comment you left me was inspiring in a totally different way and I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it. Over the past couple of days it has been your comment I thought about as I got ready for my workouts. I see the number of page views my blog gets each day so I know that people are checking it but it was really awesome to hear you say that you read my blog for motivation. That makes me feel great. It makes me want to work out more because I do want to encourage others to do the same thing… I of all people need to not slack because I need to be setting a good example for those following me. You also made a great point about it getting more and more difficult to lose weight as you get older and that’s something that I have heard in the past but until now never took any time to consider. I feel like my life gets busier and busier every day and that time keeps going faster and faster and I can’t imagine how difficult it must be when you add two children into the mix along with all of the other responsibilities of being an adult… As a 21 year old I should have absolutely no excuse for not working out. I know you can do it though. You are already a lot better off than others because you have your mind made up that you are going to start making changes and you already have a game plan. I have not heard of the Paleo diet before but I will definitely check that out and let you know what I think! Advice I have for you… Plan ahead and schedule your workouts… I also can’t encourage you enough to start a blog; it has helped me in so many ways. I attribute much of my success to my blog itself. It has been the one thing that has continued to push me and keep me on track. When you make your blog please send me a link to it because I would love to follow it. As far as the videos go… There is one in the making that I think you will like. My trainer Ashlee and I are going to record one of my workouts soon so you will be able to get some good workout ideas from it too! Thanks again and please keep me updated!
